Going Home
On the day of your discharge, you can plan to leave the hospital by 11:00 a.m. Your doctor will write a discharge order on your medical record and discuss your release and subsequent treatment with you. A family member or friend should stop at the main desk on your floor and inquire about your discharge.
Planning Your Discharge
Planning for follow-up care-whether for assistance at your home or for transfer to another type of facility is coordinated by the Case Management Department with a multidisciplinary approach which involves the patient, family, physician and nursing staff. To contact a case manager, dial extension 63608.
Patient Questionnaire
We strive to improve our services and we depend on you to let us know how we are doing. You can help by taking just a few minutes to fill out the patient questionnaire mailed to your home. Your response will help us to better serve you, your family, friends and neighbors, and to acknowledge those who are doing a good job.