Pastoral Care and Education

Pastoral Care

The Department of Pastoral Care and Education consists of clinically trained professional chaplains and chaplains in training. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals to facilitate the healing of the whole person.

Our chaplains are committed to providing compassionate pastoral and spiritual care to our patients and their families of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. They visit hospital units regularly to meet with patients and their loved ones and offer support groups and different types of religious services.

During your stay, you can call 718-670-1114 to ask a chaplain to visit you, offer emotional support and prayer, and assist you with your religious observances or your needs for clergy visitation. You can also ask a hospital employee to make the call for you.

Chapels and Services

Two multi-faith, non-denominational chapels are located on the first floor off the Main Lobby. Both are available 24 hours a day for patients and their families. Catholic Mass is celebrated every Sunday and Thursday at noon; Muslim Jumu’ah prayer is held on Friday afternoon. Other special worship services and observances are offered throughout the year.

A Jewish Chapel is located on the first floor near the green elevator bank. It is available 24 hours a day for patients and their families. Electric Sabbath candles are available upon request by calling Pastoral Care Department at 718-670-1114. Kosher food is also available on request by contacting Nutrition Services at 718-670-1012.

Clinical Pastoral Education

Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at NewYork-Presbyterian Queens is an immersive educational experience in which one learns constantly from doing the actual work of chaplaincy and seriously reflecting on those experiences with a peer group and an educator. The department offers two types of ACPE Accredited CPE programs for qualified clergy, seminarians, and laypeople: a full-time 11-week program in the summer and a part-time 30-week program with evening classes during the academic year.

Prospective applicants should visit Clinical Pastoral Education at NewYork-Presbyterian and contact [email protected] to apply or for more information.

Contact us

NewYork-Presbyterian Queens

Pastoral Care and Education


Weekdays       9 a.m.  –  5 p.m.

Sundays          9 a.m.  –  1 p.m.